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Stepping Into Your Dreams-by Miranda Sullivan

Writer's picture: mirandalsullivanmirandalsullivan

Updated: Jan 28, 2021

My Nashville Anniversary is coming up. I was pondering tonight about my time here in Nashville and how blessed I feel and realized it's been almost 14th years here in August! I feel that a couple friends might need to hear this, and I wanted to share this with you. There is a reason you are reading this too.

I was talking to a friend about how I had wanted to help people for the longest time, but didn't know how..of course, I did do that in my role when I was a nanny for 10 yrs, but I wanted to be able to help someone transform their life. Little did I know, a year ago when I went to Oklahoma City to get help with the grief I had been experiencing it would turn into part of my dream coming true.

You see 13+ yrs ago when I moved here, I first moved to Clarksville. After living for 1 1/2 yrs in a small city in Montana, I didn't know if Nashville was the place for me. Well, the first weekend that I came down to Nashville to see two dear friends of mine, we went and did everything that I love to do..nobody had planned it that way... but you know what? I had learned to focus on what I wanted, coming from my heart, a desire.. this is important to understand. I felt this was God telling me, "your dreams are here in Nashville, not in Clarksville." We went to see dressage horses in Murfreesboro, went to the Saturday night dance at the park, and we came out to Bellevue which is where I have lived for 13 yrs. I told God specifically the kind of place I wanted to live and Bellvue hit all those check marks. Now, I also met 3 songwriter’s which is very easy to do in Nashville, but it was odd that it was 3. One was writing and singing her songs for her friends and family, the other one came here and hired someone to pitch his songs and the 3rd one was actually a hit songwriter. He has had hits with several artists and also his band, Trick Pony. I had brunch with Ira Dean. It’s amazing how so many years later, I am now friends with him on Facebook. I set the intention and it came full circle.

When I met those 3 songwriters, I went home and pondered on it. It was odd that it was 3, so I told God that if he was trying to tell me I could write, I wanted an example. A poem poured out of me called Renewal, almost word for word and it got me thinking. Well, if I could do that..if I could write a poem, I wanted to learn how to write songs, it touched a place in my heart. A dream that had been buried with trauma back when I was 11…the thought of wanting to write songs kept going in my mind, from time to time. I would think about it and let it go and I honestly didn't realize I was doing it. I had gotten a job when I moved down and I was working at Comp USA and I didn't really like it. I pondered on that too. I had learned that if you are doing what you are meant to, you should love what you do. Then New Year's Eve came around and I sat down and had a conversation with God. I thanked him for the job, I was so grateful for it, but it just didn't feel like it was what I was here to do and I was willing to put it in his hands as to what I was supposed to do. Pow! Within 3 weeks I got laid off, my mom passed away, and I went to a book signing at Davis kids books. When I was there, I picked up a book, "Breaking into Nashville," written by Jennifer Ember Pierce. Because I had just go laid off, I put it back on the shelf and decided I would need to get it when I got a new job. Later on I got called from the Nanny agency that I had applied to because a roommate that I had rented a room from for a short bit, told me about it because her telling me that she cared for a young child every week spoke to me. I thought I was in heaven... getting paid to take of babies and children, I absolutely loved it.

The next thing I knew, I got invited to go help support a friend in Pennsylvania and while we were there, she said she had invited someone to take her to a "Grammy viewing party" at the Hard Rock Cafe, but had not heard back from them. She asked if I wanted to come in their place..she liked to have someone drive her and we didn't have Uber back then. Well, I jumped on it, thinking how and a red carpet..Let's see what this is about..God's plans are always unfolding...

Well, two women walked in and we were talking to them and they where in the healing field..and I thought to myself, I want to do that..I want to do THAT and write songs...then a couple with a single woman walked in and sat down and they are all friends today. I was speaking with one of the women and she asked "what do you do?" I claimed, "I am a songwriter" I wanted to claim who I wanted to be. After her speaking of things I didn't know about I was quickly telling her I didn't know how to write a song, but I knew that I wanted to learn. To my amazement she said to me “you ought to get my book, Breaking Into Nashville,” the book that I had picked up a few weeks before in Davis Kid bookstore! Now, 3 weeks later and I was sitting there talking to the author!!! Jennifer Ember Pierce. I almost pinched myself to see if it was real.

A few moths later Jennifer took me to lunch for my birthday and looked at my poems and said go for have passion and your emotional, you can do it, but it's not easy. She was a self-taught songwriter, was an ex-Dallas cop and SHE wrote with Garth Brooks. She wrote a song called "Heaven Sent" and gave me a copy of that tape of him singing it in her kitchen. Not only that, but Ronnie, that I had also met that night started teaching me how to write lyrics instead of poetry. My songwriting career started.

After being involved with the children’s choir at my church in Phoenix, I knew that I wanted to be involved with children and music after I moved to Nashville. Although, I hadn’t been involved in the music end of it. I was involved with Volunteer Coordination and I absolutely loved it. So, during this time frame I decided to volunteer at the Country Music Hall of Fame. It was wonderful, I wanted to be able to take the kids on school tours and I had to volunteer during the week when I would normally be working. I set the intention that I would get a full-time nanny job that would allow me to volunteer and you happened.

Because of being a volunteer that the CMHF 2 things happened. I kept attracting the kids that were there for the lyrics and music program and I got to the Lyrics and Music night at the CMHF in the Ford Theatre. They had taken 10 of the overall songs of the children's that the kids had written the lyrics and then a professional songwriter put music to it. On this night, the kids got to perform them with the songwriters. That night there were many of the songwriters that had their songs in movies. I thought to myself, "I wonder how you get your songs in the movies?" The next thing I knew the same friend that I went to Pennsylvania with emailed me and when I opened it up, there was a workshop, How to Get Your Music in the movies! I went to it and met a few new songwriter friends. I honestly couldn't believe that all this was happening. After losing my mom, I thought I was living in a dream.

Then there ended up being another time that I volunteered during the weekend and it was my job to tell visitors in the Hall of Fame that they could go down and watch an interview of John D. Loudermilk, a songwriter that was so popular that I finally went in and sat down and listened to him speak. I had already been amazed at his songwriting accomplishments, like writing Tobacco Road in which over 200 artists recorded that song and he wrote Indian Reservation, a song that I sang over and over when I was kid.

I was blown away at his story and it just so happened that I went in and sat down when he was speaking about a time in his life when he had a teacher tell him about Edgar Casey and encouraged him to read some books and then asked him if he had a record and he said “yes, he had one written.” She said she wanted to teach him how to make it a hit. She taught him about the process of going within and getting relaxed “way on down” to where you are almost asleep. Then she said to see the DJ putting the needle on the record and saying "here is the #1 song of the day, then forget it.” She said, “the longer you keep looking at something, the less your faith is in it.” Now, she is a great teacher, because that is why I had been able to manifest all that I had, because I thought about it and then let, it go. You see it and you know it. A rush of knowing and resonance came over me, because this is what I believe in. This is what I practice! I felt like God was talking through John D. and telling me I was on the right track. He is very special to me, even though I haven’t met him. He will always be in my heart.

There has been times that I didn't think any of this dream was going to come true. Being a writer, getting my books out, helping people heal…I was having a hard time surviving, Working and paying the bills. I would even listened to #AbrahamHicks and did my best to get in the Vortex. It didn't feel like it was working and if didn't seem like it.

Now that I am looking back at this, I do help people heal now, and I write. I also just started getting paid to do so..Back then, I was stuck because of all the limiting beliefs, my programs, the way I reacted to life with anxiety and stress. I was doing my best, but no wonder I felt stuck and didn’t make much headway.

All the stuff that I had been experiencing, the traumas, the unresolved grief, even though most of it was in the was a heavy weight on me and started affecting my health. I had to make big changes in my life and that ended up being getting help with Eutaptics FasterEft and now I help people heal, because I got help myself.

My point in writing this tonight, is to not only share my story with others, and celebrate the fact I have lived in Nashville for almost 14 yrs. But to also encourage others that when there is that dream that is inside of you, don't loose site.I also want to encourage to get help, get help with those trauma's, that grief, that stuff that is holding you back. Wherever that is, even if it's not with me, get help. It was the best thing I ever did in my life.

I recently this year stepped into writing another song..about my Daddy and I will continue to write songs, children's books..and help people. I took most of this last year getting my certification to be a eutaptics® FasterEFT practitioner. I help people with what helped me, by working with the subconscious mind and memory reconsolidation. Transforming and shifting those beliefs, patterns, behaviors and destructive thought patterns. What better way to co-create what you want in your life, by letting go at the subconscious level what you don't want and then re-write it to what you do want. Create new neural pathways.

I am creating my dreams right now.

Everything you think, feel and make decisions about is affecting your future. It's creating your future.. so if you want help, if you feel like you are stuck, I'd love for you to learn more about eutaptics® FasterEFT. You can join me on facebook in my group at

and you can contact me at I am currently accepting new clients.

The Universe is working for you! Let's work on what you want to create in your life.

Lot's of love to you! Miranda

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